Recipes Can Well Served With South Indian Sambar

Sambhar Masala


Coming from south Indian Cuisine, sambar is the must dish which is consumed on the daily basis in south India. Without Sambar none of the dishes is complete in the south Indian diet. Sambar is a liquid gravy made up with the combination of vegetables and spices. Its Long-lasting taste and awesome aroma is something which you cannot forget.

Idli:- This is a South Indian dish which is widely popular and commonly available across the world. A light dish which is made up of rice flour or rawa. Once can have this in breakfast, snacks or even in the main course. Its appearance is kind of a small cake, which looks white in colour. However, various shapes and variations are available for Idli.

To make the dish, first, you need to make a smooth batter from rice flour using yeast or baking soda for fermenting the batter. Black Lentils and rice are the main ingredients used to make this recipe.

Idli is served well with sambhar and coconut chutney. Some like to have with tomato chutney also. But sambhar is a prominent companion of Idli.

Some Variations of idli are:-

1) Button Idli
2) Tatte Idli
3) Sanna
4) Sambar Idli
5) Rava Idli

Masala Dosa:- Dosa is again a south Indian dish which is again popular and easily available. Masala dosa is also made up with rice flour or rava. Some use wheat flour to make Dosa’s. This is a pancake type dish which is made after fermentation of the batter. Black Gram and rice are the main ingredients used to make dosa. It is a main part of the south Indian diet.

One can have it in breakfast, evening snack or in main-course. Sambhar and Masala dosa are inseparable. Both are served together with coconut or tomato chutney. This is a crispy dish cooked with less oil.

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